AI-Powered Data Prep Backed by Google BigQuery

A plain English interface makes data transformations easy to pick up, and an integrated AI chatbot turns anyone into an expert data scientist. Push and pull data from spreadsheets, consolidate, clean, transform, and analyze with speed and simplicity.

Today is Day 0. Ignoring Day 0 challenges slows progress

Opt for a Collaborative Google Workspace Over Power Query's Isolated Approach

Go beyond traditional limits with AI-enhanced data transformation, backed by the versatility of Google BigQuery. Unlike Power Query's rigid structure, our platform offers a genuinely intuitive, no-code experience, tailored for modern data demands. Seamlessly integrate with an extensive range of data sources, including those in the Google ecosystem, and enjoy smart, AI-driven data preparation that transforms the way you analyze and utilize data.

What is the
Analyst Intelligence Platform?

Big Data, No Problem

  • We seamlessly and instantly build a Google BigQuery data warehouse for storing and processing your data, so you've got enterprise-grade processing capabilities out of the box.

Code-Free Analysis

  • Our no-code interface translates plain English to SQL, and runs directly in BigQuery, so you don't get locked in using Power Query's M, Power BI's DAX, or any other proprietary language. You can even see the SQL being generated.

AI for Data Processing

  • Transform your data intelligently and effortlessly with our AI-powered tools, outperforming Power Query's basic capabilities.

Future-Proof Your Skillset

  • You don't have to know SQL to perform advanced analysis or automate mundane tasks - just ask AI to do it for you.

Future Proof Your Tech Stack

  • Google BigQuery is ubiquitous and gaining, which makes adopting new technology instantaneous. By the time you've heard about it, we are connected.

Ahead of the Curve

  • By leveraging Google BigQuery, we've connected the artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities that have historically only been available to the most sophisticated data science teams.

DEMO: Consolidate, Clean, Transform, and Automate with
No-Code and A.I.

Laptop computer image

Beyond Data Prep

Move past Power Query's limited data prep scope to evolve your entire data journey. Seamlessly integrate with Google Sheets and third-party sources. Our built-in data warehouse means no more piecing together disparate tools or struggling with data size limitations.

Analyst Intelligence is about empowering your data analysis, not just with more sources and transformations, but with smarter, more flexible, and more comprehensive data solutions powered by artificial intelligence.

Join the ranks of data-driven professionals who've upgraded to Analyst Intelligence. Our platform is more than just a tool; it's a partner in your data journey.

Contact us to explore the possibilities.

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The results your company is counting on without the headache.

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