Generate a detailed headcount forecast by simply uploading an employee roster

We make forecasting for employees at the most granular level of detail incredibly easy by creating rules that are applied to each relevant employee.

Consistently better results in 1% of the time.
No need to buy a big system
Instant time to value
No  setup fees
We guarantee success

A simple interface for your complex headcount forecasting calculations

Full-time, part-time, contractors, interns, local, near-shore, off-shore and the list goes on. We thrive on solving complex forecasting challenges with a simple interface.

Combine multiple employee rosters with different formats to a single source of truth automatically

Our average customer has more than 3 data sources for headcount - from expensive HRIS systems to Google Sheets, you can consolidate them with ease.

Consolidate independent headcount data sources into a single employee roster to generate a single headcount forecast that you can refresh with the push of a button.

See how easy it is to start from scratch

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Free 30-Minute Intro Call

You’re 30 minutes away from your no-code SQL generator with automated workflows.

Why do we have this call?

  • Understand your objectives and chart you a path to reaching them

  • Understand what apps you want access to and provide you with training and documentation

  • Make sure you're not a bot trying to gain access to a powerful tech stack to mine bitcoin